Project 1
Biosensor cell lines for environmental monitoring of drug residues
As tools for environmental monitoring of pharmaceuticals, mode of action (MOA)-based in vitro assays were developed for beta-blockers, as e.g. metoprolol, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as e.g. diclofenac. For this purpose stable cell lines were generated which expressed recombinant MOA-based sensing and reporting units allowing for rapid live-cell visualization of immediate fluorescence signal changes. Sensitive cell based assays developed in microtiter plate format facilitated the quantitative determination of metoprolol and diclofenac activities in effluents of sewage treatment plant outflows.

Project 2
Cav1.2 cell line for cardiac safety testing
Cav1.2 ion channels are expressed in heart, smooth muscle and neurons, and therefore are therapeutic targets in cardiac arrhythmia and hypertension. Due to their key role in shaping the cardiac action potential, they are part of the CiPA-compliant panel of human ion channel to be tested for cardiac safety. In a co-operation with our partner NMITT GmbH we developed a Cav1.2 IGAMI cell line for cardiac safety testing
NMI TT Technologie Transfer GmbH »Ion Channel Drug Discovery«

Project 3
Projekt 3: »Biosensor proteins for the development of novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cystis fibrosis«
In the frame of the TAT-CF project we developed IGAMI cells. These are inducible fluorescent chloride sensor mCl-EYFP cells that will be used for in vitro screening of potential anionophores that are capable of transporting chloride ions into the cells.